Want to succeed? Be a doer
Take your business to the next level in three steps
I am frequently asked what I think distinguishes top financial producers from the mediocre.
There could be many reasons: competitive drive, IQ, higher pain threshold, inner motivation or better instinct. These may be true, but I have observed three characteristics that are common among big producers.
Being a successful producer is more than just production. A great life is the best measure. You probably know some workaholics who make lots of money. Are you not more impressed with the people who make lots of money and have a great life? These real superstars do the following:
They seek everything that will help them get to their next level. There is more money at the next level, but there are many other things at the next level that make it even more attractive. Most seekers already earn so
much money that the additional cash is not much of a motivator. The most successful producers enjoy growing and creating just for the sake of growth and creation.
The opposite of the seeker, of course, is the cynic. While the seeker genuinely seeks information and ideas to help him get to the next level, the cynic looks for a reason not to do anything.
The cynic seems to think the only way to learn is over time and through his own experience. Composer Hector Berlioz once quipped: "Time is the great teacher, but unfortunately, it kills all of its students."
Seek what you can learn from other producers and their coaches and next year will be even better.
They invest in their most important asset: themselves. Find what you are seeking and then invest.
Just like seeking and finding a great investment is of no value unless you buy it, the same is true
for investments in yourself.
The seekers have full bookshelves, audio tapes in their cars, and attend all the relevant seminars. You will see the same faces at all the programmes. The seekers meet with producers who have been where they are going so they can build a better map to get there themselves.
The flipside of the investor is the excuse-maker who keeps saying: "I could be more successful, but..." or "I would have a great year if only ...". Being mediocre with a good excuse is not as good as being successful.
Remember, someday you will either have what you want in life or the reasons why you do not.
Choose to get what you want.
Seeking and investing alone do not produce results. Implementation is the key factor to success.
I was speaking at the International Association for Financial Planning National Convention last year and had
three interesting and related conversations:
John: "Bill, I was at your speech at our top producer conference. I thought it was fantastic so I bought your book."
Bill: "Thank you, John. What has happened to your production since you began implementing the ideas?"
John: "Oh, well, I, uh, haven't had a chance to read your book yet."
Bill: "Interesting. You know I spoke at your convention quite a few months ago."
John: "Has it been that long? I'm glad I bumped into you. I'm definitely going to read your book when I get home."
This was with Dick who overheard my conversation with John:
Dick: "1 saw you speak at my company's recognition conference. I bought your book, and I've read it."
Bill: “Great. So what’s happened to your business since you began applying the ideas in the book?”
Dick: “Uhh, I haven’t really had a chance to try any of the ideas yet.”
Bill: “Interesting. Have you been seeing any clients since you read the book?” (I was not trying to be a jerk, I just have an aversion to lame excuses.)
Jeff: “Hey Bill, your Values-Based Selling stuff really works!”
Bill: “That’s great, Jeff. What happened?”
Jeff: “I talked to a retired physician on the phone about handling his retirement money. He said he had US$2m (RM6.8m) to US$3m (RM10.2m) and would be willing to discuss it with me. When we got together, it turned out he had closer to US$4m (RM13.6m)! I used your approach and I got the account!”
Here is an absurd rhetorical question: Who would you rather be?
Only the implementer got results. What about you? How many ideas did you think of in your career that would have produced great results if you had implemented them?
Why do so few people who discover great ideas, follow through and implement them when the evidence is so compelling that those who do get huge results?
Your job is not to answer that question for the industry. I suggest you simply renew your commitment to follow-through on the great ideas you get and implement them immediately.
Millions of people have read Dr Stephen Covey’s great book, but very few can name the seven habits of highly effective people. What do you think the chances are that a habit you cannot name is having a positive impact on your life? Implement.
Seek. Invest. Implement. Make this your best year ever! – Source: ST/ANN
Article by Bill Bacharach, author of Values-Based Financial Planning: The Art of Creating an Inspiring Financial Strategy.
My Credential
Corporate Investment Advisor for MAPAN (Majlis Aspirasi Pemangkin Nasional)
Corporate Investment Advisor for Globe Departmental Store
Formerly a Remisier with HLG Securities
Corporate Investment Advisor for Globe Departmental Store
Formerly a Remisier with HLG Securities
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